Thanks for your interest in the Swiss PGDay 2024. To register, please fill the form below and hit "Register". Registration is open until 2024-06-27.
You'll get a confirmation with a link to your invoice and payment instructions. Please print the invoice and keep it for reference. Your registration will be valid once the invoice is paid. Fields marked with * are mandatory. In case of any questions, please get in touch with us at

The ticket includes access to the keynotes and two days of presentations in two parallel tracks (English and German). Lunch in the mensa and a social event with buffet dinner on Thursday evening are also included in the ticket price. Coffee will be available throughout the day in the hallway track if you prefer to chat with other attendees.
If you need to cancel your registration, please contact us via email for manual handling. The refund we can offer depends on when you cancel: 100% on or before 2024-04-25, 50% on or before 2024-05-16, 25% on or before 2024-06-06. Later cancellations cannot be refunded. In the unlikely case that the event is cancelled by the organisers, you will receive a full refund.

Please note: To complete your registration, you'll need access to your email inbox.
If you are a confirmed speaker you don't need to register.

First name*
Last name*
House number
Type of registration* Notes: "SwissPUG" allows you to register with a discount if you are a member of the Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group. If you are not a member yet, you can join here. Corporate members can use the discount for up to 4 participants.
By purchasing a "Community Supporter" ticket, you can voluntarily provide some additional support for the community conference. This allows us to offer discounted tickets to students, for example.
Number of attendees*
Social event This information helps with our planning to provide the proper amount of food.
Comments In case you are registering more than one person or the registration is not for yourself, please enter the first name, last name and email of additional attendees in the comments field below.